Finding great listing leads isn’t as hard as you think. These are the four best sources you should know about.
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Today I’m excited to talk about some of the top sources for listing leads. Here’s my list for all of the other agents out there:
1. Sphere and past clients. I can’t stress this enough. Embrace and engage with your sphere and past clients. When you talk to them, make sure they know you’re never too busy for their referrals.
2. A network of agents. 10 years ago, this was a lot harder to do because you had to do it in person. With the advent of social media, it’s much easier. I do recommend meeting people in person when you can, but it really makes sense to reach out to agents in communities where military homebuyers are coming into Colorado Springs. Do your research and start finding these Realtors on Facebook and LinkedIn.
3+4. FSBO/Expired. A lot of people don’t like working these lists, but they should. These are two groups of people who you already know want to sell their home. In the last year, we’ve seen more people using a Realtor than in the previous 10+ years. Things are getting a little bit more complicated in terms of marketing, so these types of home sellers want expert advice. Nine times out of 10, I find that expired listings happen because of the previous agent’s error. The key is to pick one strategy and stick to it. Don’t get distracted by shiny objects. Just find a system and stick to it.
"Building a network of agents is much easier these days."
If you have any questions about any of these strategies or anything else related to the real estate business, don’t hesitate to give me a call or send me an email today. I’d love to hear from you.